Hannah and Alex with their artwork based on a ‘Parfleche’ which is a storage bag made from rawhide and decorated with geometric shapes!

Well done both! Well deserved honour marks!

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Year 9 students using ‘discussion webs’ to respond to the question ‘should we test our medicines on animals?’

All actively engaged!!

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Two of our girls, Heather Malin and Tara Norton, played rugby for Staffordshire at the weekend. They helped Staffordshire win and become Midland champions without conceding a single point!

Well …

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Students in Y9 creating their journals of WW1 soldiers in the trenches! They are ageing the journals with the classic ‘tea bags in water’ trick!

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Yesterday, on a cold and crisp afternoon, Paget High School brought their Year 7 football team to Paulet for a match! Seventy minutes later the nine men of Paulet finished …

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Year 8 Netball Team (and their top supporter Tia)
The girls have trained hard recently and have been rewarded with their first ever win! Paulet beat Abbot Beyne 9-6 last week …

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Friday 27th was our Macmillan Coffee Morning organised by Mr Kelly. We raised well over £220 for this very good cause. We learnt two very important facts about our staff…

(1) …

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The school celebrated the European Day of Languages on Thursday 26th September. Year 7 were invited to a special lunch time event where they sampled food from around the world …

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Year 11 students making bunting in English, with quotations about George and Lennie from ‘Of Mice and Men’ on them, to engage with the language and help them to recall …

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Paulet High School has recorded the best GCSE results in the school’s history. 80% of students achieved 5A-C and an impressive 65% achieved 5A-C including mathematics and English. The students …

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We’ve recorded our best ever GCSE exam results today! At a time when GCSEs are getting tougher and pass rates are dropping we’ve increased our attainment to 80% 5+A*-C and …

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