Well done to the latest homework heroes in food technology. Certificates and Paulet points awarded for effort, presentation and understanding of the Government’s 5 a day healthy eating campaign.

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Mr Clothier and his team have been working really hard over half term to create a new seating area outside the canteen and update the reception area! Both areas are …

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Year 8 complete a poster promoting careers in science for homework. These students were awarded an honour mark.

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A wonderful example of a Year 7 extended homework project for English. The students were asked to create a collage about themselves using key words. Abi produced three …

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Photos from a Y11 child development lesson on developing and understanding concepts of child’s play.

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Year 10 use Play Doh, tin foil, pegs, string and pipe cleaners to plan their narratives before their controlled assessment! Pens are banned!

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It was the ‘Parent Power’ study skills session for our Year 11 parents this evening. 90 minutes of mind maps, memory games, growth mindset and four inch nails later and …

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Well done Yr13 Engineers. Yr13 Engineering students Tom Bullick, Jarryd Ellis and Jake Tuncliffe have successfully used their engineering skills to create a casting bench for the Design and …

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