Mr Allsopp’s Year 9 group working with metal! Brazing, welding, polishing, spot welding, thread cutting, cold forming….all to create beautiful products in metal! Some great products in the process of …

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Mr Suleman’s Year 10 group ‘hot seating’ today where they looked at each others work. They had to see what was being done well and what improvements could be made.

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To help celebrate Pi Day we had an English, maths and music collaboration!
9P were exploring Pi with Mr Cox in maths, they then went to Mrs McArthur’s English lesson and …

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Members of our young enterprise team at the Burton trade fair today. Another top product from our enterprising students.

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…to mark the ending of our World Book Week 2015!

It was all fun and games at our first ever Paulet sleepover to celebrate World Book Day!

It was a fun evening …

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Did you enter the guess who competition during book week? Guess which member of staff was reading which book. £20 Amazon vouchers up for grabs!!

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Members of 7IS showing off their wonderful volcanoes they have been designing and making for their geography extended homework project. They also made them erupt! Brilliant!!

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Desert Island Books started today! Teachers reading extracts from their favourite books to students. Here’s a great photo of Mr Stirland reading from his book – look out for …

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Learning coding from scratch…using ‘Scratch’. Year 8 students learning how to code which is part of the new computing syllabus.

‘Scratch’ is a program that students use to create their …

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