Lovely self portraits made by students in 8P over the last few lessons. Great work all round and…

Headteacher Commendations to Mollie Casey, Areeba Urfan, Fiona Lane, Siobhan Kilsby, Cartriona …

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Y 11 playing snakes and ladder revision in their last child development lesson. Lots of correct answers, well done and good luck from Mrs Cooper.

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Our year 11 students leave tomorrow and with them this year’s great group of prefects. Never fear….. Our next group are ready to take over after half term. Here …

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Miss Bowers is extremely proud of each and every one of the GCSE drama students who performed in their unit 3 exam on Tuesday night. It was a great evening …

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Year 7 use a variety of active revision techniques to prepare for their science exam next week.

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Congratulations to all the students who took part in the Intermediate UK Maths Challenge. Our students achieved fantastic scores again this year.

Over 200 000 students from across the UK …

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A selection of fantastic examples of a recently completed Year 7 Extended Homework Project. Student were asked to create a visual representation of a cell and produce a piece …

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PIctures from Day 4. Most students have now been to the top of the mountain. Some more elegant than other at this point! The resilience shown by our students has …

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Two beginner groups conquered the mountain on tuesday – photos attached. Really sunny now for the rest of the week and here are some good photos of the students at …

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