Mrs McArthur leads year 11 through the first ‘walking talking mock’ of the year! Overwhelmingly the students agreed it made a big difference. Other subjects to follow…

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Our last day in America was spent in museums as diverse as ‘the Air and Space’ and ‘the Natural History’. A final sunset photo of the Washington monument …

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Beautiful day for a walking tour of Washington DC. We visited the national memorials to Washington, Lincoln, Martin Luther King, the Vietnam War, the Korean War and world War …

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…hello Philadelphia! We passed through Philly on the way to Washington yesterday. We saw the Liberty Bell, the anti-slavery symbol, and visited the very room where the founding …

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Visited Tiffany’s today and saw their most expensive piece of jewellery. A cool £15 million for the necklace and the diamond is ‘currently priceless’!

Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty …

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