It was the first ‘Paulet House Bake Off’ yesterday.  Four teams representing the four houses battled it out to bake blueberry muffins and chocolate hot cross cookies.  It was a tightly …

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These students collected their Platinum Awards yesterday from Mr Jackson our Chair of Governors. In recognition of their achievement they all signed the Platinum Book which has pride of place …

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Last night was our 2015 (slightly late due to the hall roof) awards evening. As always it was a lovely event and a great opportunity to celebrate the success of …

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Great photos of volcanoes made by Year 7 students in Mrs Fox’s groups.  Great examples of extended homework projects – well done to all!


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7 MEW are setting a great example as current Year 7 Reading Champions. Each half-term our Year 7 students battle it out to see which form can achieve the most …

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Our students and staff enjoyed eating phenomenal pie yesterday on Pi Day. The dinner staff made four different types of delicious pie for us to enjoy, each decorated …

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Students had a great day yesterday taking part in the 10th BBC News Report Day.  They were interviewing, videoing, splicing, drafting, checking and publishing all day.  Visit the …

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A Y8 group proudly displaying their creative and practical skills . A
range of developed ideas very successfully planned and produced in
their current food technology task ‘Think Italian’. A big well …

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Another fantastic achievement from Year 7.

We work hard at Paulet High School to promote a love of reading and we like nothing better than celebrating the success our students experience …

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