Y7 students busy developing their skills in the first food practical of the
year. They were successfully making low sugar rock buns which we hope made it home for parents …

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As part of our on-going commitment to online safety, all students have been learning about the privacy settings on social networks such as Facebook.

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Our year 8 football team came a very respectable second, in their first game of the season, against Pingle.  Here is Mr Belso’s report:

On a very humid evening at Pingle, …

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 Our new Year 7 students have been getting their dictionaries from the Year 8 students.  They’ll use them during their seven year journey with us to develop their word power …

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Mrs McArthur took her A level English Literature students to th RSC in Stratford today to see King Lear (her favourite Shakespeare play).  The students agreed it was …

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Mr Ashraf is busy organising an event for 29th September to help you Explore your future, broaden you horizons and aim higher! More information coming soon!

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We are delighted with our GCSE results with over half of all students gaining the ‘old measure’ of 5 A*-C including English and maths. We are particularly pleased that our …

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Our Values day on Wednesday saw each year group focus on a strand of our British Values.

Year 7 celebrated cultural diversity with a whole host of new and exciting experiences. …

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Following on from the Junior Maths Challenge, where he achieved a gold award and scored the highest mark in the school, Rupert was invited to take part in the UK …

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Great (and hot) sports day today.  All of our students got involved with a variety of activities including …

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