The Year 11’s went to see Blood Brothers at the Nottingham Playhouse to support their GCSE English studies.

It was a lovely evening with a terrific performance.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

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Students had fun today taking part in Takeover Day !

After submitting their application letter earlier this month they got to see how great it is working at Paulet.

All the students who took part …

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Y10 Spanish have been learning about the environment and environmental problems. They used cards to show cause and effect and then Quizlet Live to practise key vocabulary and identify knowledge …

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Our Year 13 English Literature students spent the day at Warwick University in a series of lectures all about the literature of love. The highlight was an appearance by the …

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Last Friday all of year 9 went to the NEC for the National Skills Show. The students learnt about hundreds of careers and tried their hand at a few!!

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Paulet 6th Form College had a great open evening last night. Thank you to everyone who was involved.

Over 90 students attended and it was great to see so many students from other …

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Well done to the technology termly award winners for excellent effort and achievement in EDT

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Some fantastic work in Design Technology by our younger students.

Year 7 have made desk tidies and Year 8 have made storage boxes with their chosen laser cut design.


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A group of Year 11 GCSE Geography students endured the cold and windy weather at Carding Mill Valley on Monday to put into practice how to measure rivers, which is one …

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Lots of concentration for Y9 students as they continue their tour of food around the world. Success and skills on display along with tasty finished samosas


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A brilliant start to the year for year 7&8 netball teams, with wins against Robert Sutton and Granville.

Well done to all of the girls for their effort and commitment, training hard …

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