Another week ,another match. Last night John Port arrived to take on our Yr 7&8 teams in the local league.
Yr 7 made a good start and were always in control …

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5 A Day –  rising to the challenge and building on the healthy eating message and their fruit tasting lesson last week, Y7 skilfully making a selection of fruit salads …

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The Yr 7 & 8 Rounders League continued last night with matches against William Allitt. Unfortunately William Allitt couldn’t get a Yr 7 team together so an easy win for …

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Y9 during healthy eating week are researching, tasting and using Quorn as a healthier option to meat when making chilli con carne and burritos. They will be following it up next …

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Y7 have been focusing on 5 Aday during healthy eating week.

They have been tasting a selection of fruit and planning for their own fruit salads next week. They’ve also been …

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We have ducklings hatching in the Wellbeing HUB this week – students are enjoying watching them hatch !

We will be comparing two different types of ducklings, Mr Peach’s own eggs …

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On Wednesday 6th June year 8 played Grandville away. The game had a slow start with both teams taking a bit of time to warm up. As soon as we …

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Congratulations to Ellie and Callum, our new Head Girl and Head Boy. Not forgetting Maddie and Duncan our new deputy boy and girl.

It was a hard decision to make as Year …

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Three teams of year 9 students, chosen by their form tutors, recently took part in Enterprise Day at Pirelli Stadium run by the Burton Albion Community Trust.

Students competed against Pingle …

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