Congratulations to our Y10 GCSE Drama students who performed extracts from the play ‘Blood Brothers’ last night.

A lovely evening, enjoyed by teaching staff, and family.


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Our independent careers advisor, Emily Hardy and Mrs Pape have organised several events for students to start exploring study options for their future whilst enhancing their work skills. Here are …

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Careers Fair at Paulet, it was great to see so many Year 10s thinking about their future.  Our thanks go to all the employers and colleges that attended, particularly as …

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Year 7 were investigating how different metals cause flames to become different colours. Much like how fireworks work!

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Y10 have been doing running dictations matching job descriptions to potential candidates, to practise pronunciation, phonics and spelling.

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9BRO got creative this afternoon by using Play-Doh to create the plot of Macbeth!

Well done to the winners Zara L and Kaitlan R (and Miss Matthews!) and Abby R, Lauren …

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Following an invitation from Ms Ingle and Mrs Cooper a number of staff enjoyed the event after school on Friday tasting some alternative sources of carbohydrates (different grains and pastas made …

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During this school year I have led a weekly student voice meeting to discuss a range of school-based topics.  One of the topics that causes many of our students frustration …

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