Some Saturday Study Club Facts:

5th April- A Study Club record of 21 students for science.
5th April- A 2014 high of 28 for maths.
5th April- Our 360th customer for a Saturday …

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We took delivery of our brand new laser cutter today!! It is already creating great products for our Year 11 Resistant Materials students and will be of great use to …

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One of our Year 11 students, James Bowley, competes in canoe sprint racing. He recently attended the East Staffordshire sports scholarship awards evening at the Pirelli Stadium where he …

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Lovely article in the Burton Mail:

A GROUP of youngsters dubbed ‘good samaritans’ after returning a wallet stuffed with cash to man who lost it while praying have been described as …

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The Year 10 UK Maths Challenge results were amazing again this year. Well done to all students who took part.

At Paulet we had nine students in Year 10 who achieved …

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