Our Y10 a Foundation Learning group has been building a new chicken house for the last few weeks! The roof went on today thanks to some Paulet muscle. Well …

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7KB celebrated their victory in the Accelerated Reader summer term competition. They were the year 7 form who earned the most points from their reading and were rewarded with a …

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Our 3D printer has arrived. We’ve printed an egg cup as our first attempt. This picture shows an egg from one of our hens in our designed and …

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Masie Atkins’ (7SR) science homework project. She had to design a hippo enclosure based on a hippo’s adaptations and she did it in cake form! Not only accurate but …

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The DT department’s first homework heroes – piloting a new scheme ready for September. Congratulations to Shavani, Hannah, Charlie and Edward, receiving certificates in food technology for their effort, presentation …

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Today was testing day for Year 8 and their structures. First we tested, using a desk fan, which wind turbine generate the most electricity. Here are the winners… …

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The garden group spent their lunchtime today cooking Spanish omelettes. The eggs were from our chickens, the potatoes and lettuce from our allotment and the chive and mint garnish from …

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…somewhere in Burton; 1066 (or actually 1.50pm); two sides assemble to decide the fate of a nation. One side was victorious and one side left defeated!
Actually both sides had …

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What a lovely day for sports day!! Well done to everyone who took part and thanks to the PE staff for organising it. Our Year 10 Sports Leaders did …

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Garden update – lots of potatoes dug up and collected by the garden group today. Along with this weeks chicken eggs they will be using them to cook Spanish omelettes …

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Mrs Howard and Mrs Dolman took a group of 8 students along to JCB Lakeside Club to take part in a day of celebrating books for teens.

Students enjoyed drama presentations …

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As part of our work on forces, year 10 were set the challenge of building a rocket that would travel the furthest. Here you can see Georgie and Lauren with …

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Creative ideas made by Y10 food group for their controlled assessment task on celebrations. They really are working well and I wanted to celebrate their success.

Mrs Cooper

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