Year 10 students have been exploring a wide range of art materials and linking media and techniques with the work of others.

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Y11 child development group “understanding concepts” arranging themselves in height order (almost) at the start of the lesson looking at ways of teaching new concepts to young children.

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Connor and David captivated their classmates with their powerful persuasive speeches based on ‘Animal Farm’ this afternoon. The speeches were witty and delivered with panache. Great work!

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Lots of smiles and spice from 9U in period 1 today – they were making authentic pilau rice “it’s actually really nice” from Ryan and Eddie

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We’ve had our best attended open evening ever!! Over 350 people came to see what we have to offer and over 150 of our students were there to show them! …

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Teachers in our ‘Teaching and Learning Group’ have been given a secret mission to complete before our next meeting. Mine was to get my students to create a …

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We had our Macmillan Coffee Morning today! Stapenhill must’ve been a buzz of baking last night judging by the quality and quantity of cakes that arrived today! Students and staff …

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The ‘Paulet Pals’ (aka 9L) being put through their paces by Drill Seargent Goodall before leaving for the trenches!! (Living history!)

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Year 7 are on their team building residential to Whitemoor Lakes near Alrewas. Here are some nice fencing photos..

Hello….is there something missing?

Aha….that’s better!

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