Students participated in a mock election after sessions on what each of the main political parties believe in. Votes were then counted from our mock election, will it reflect the …

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The good luck tree is looking great with all your messages of support to students taking their exams this summer.

It’s also lovely to see Year 11 students around the school wearing …

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Yesterday, as part of a six week programme, a group of year 8 students visited Whitemoor Lakes. They built rafts and tested them on the lake.  Luckily they took a change of clothes in …

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Y8 students enjoyed a science lesson experimenting with chocolate on Monday!  They used white and black chocolate to simulate the formation of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock as part of …

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Wow ! Well done to Mrs Cooper’s GCSE food group displaying high level making and presentation skills in these delicious desserts.

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Last week Y11 found a fun way to revise in Child Development. Using play dough the group were asked to give examples of concepts acquired by young children. Great understanding shown …

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Our good luck tree is taking shape.  Already we have many lovely messages for our students in years 11, 12 and 13 as they embark on their exams, which we will …

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It was great to see Y11 students attend last Saturday’s study revision sessions in preparation for their GCSE exams which start this week. Last weekend our students had the opportunity to …

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A number of our students who have English as an additional language recently went on a walk of discovery with Mrs Lyon and Mrs Dolman to gain experience of English …

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Year 7 students are enjoying learning all about electrolysis and splitting elements in Science club.

Don’t forget Science club is available for all Year 7 students every Wednesday lunchtime, so come along …

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