Our final push to meet the 5 challenges, set as part of the BNF Healthy Eating Week.

Students have been getting active all week as well as taking part in after …

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Challenge 4 – Have Breakfast – Outlining the importance of breakfast to start the day.

Mr Norton delivered and served fruit and toast to the Y11 child development group before their 9 o’clock exam this morning, something we …

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Well done to our year 7 rounders team for their draw with Granville on their first league match! We run the club on Wednesday lunchtimes and Wednesday after-school, 2.50pm – …

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300 students were taught basic lifesaving CPR skills today by Dr Soltan from @burtonhospitals. Very important life skills which the students will remember and hopefully never have to use. Thanks …

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Well done to the 20 students from years 7 to 10 who competed before half term in the two East Staffs athletics championships.

Notable performances came from:

Kitija – y7- 2nd in …

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Well done to students in Year 7 who have been awarded with Homework Heroes certificates for their excellent leaflets promoting the 5 a day message and outlining benefits and top tips to …

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Paulet is a healthy eating school and we are proud to support the BNF Healthy Eating Week.

The students face 5 challenges this week, set by teachers and form tutors. Today Year …

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Year 8 and 9 students visited the Staffordshire Regiment Museum and the National Memorial Arboretum to remember and pay their respects to those who have served this country and sadly in …

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Three year 7 girls completed their English homework by making superhero and villain cakes. What a great idea, and I’m sure they tasted lovely !

Well done

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