The Year 10 UK Maths Challenge results were amazing again this year. Well done to all students who took part.

At Paulet we had nine students in Year 10 who achieved …

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Recently completed Yr 9 cyberpet projects. The projects include a circuit that the students have programmed to control the lights, switch and a speaker to play a tune.

Paige and Kieran …

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Mr McArthur’s Year 8 group were testing their structures to destruction today! Unfortunately they were so strong we ran out of weights so we had to use Eva….

…and when that …

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Congratulations to all the students who took part in memorising Pi to as many decimal places as possible. The average person can remember 8 numbers, with that in mind all …

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The Great Pi Bake Off

Year 9 students have been creating and decorating some wonderful π related cakes in food technology today in preparation for mathematical pi day tomorrow.

The students’ creations …

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Recently Year 7 students made puzzles and games to promote the 6 R’s. They are all individual designs that show plenty of skill and challenge. The 6 Rs are …

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After studying the art of the poetic forms of haiku and cinquains, 7KB have fun writing their own on the atrium windows!

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Year 7 used their homework dioramas to work in groups to recreate fairy tale with a twist! Here’s a great example…

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Mr Goodall’s Y9 class and Mr McArthur’s Y8 class joined forces to do an active lesson on Thursday. Split into two groups they had to design and make medieval …

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