Mrs McArthur leads year 11 through the first ‘walking talking mock’ of the year! Overwhelmingly the students agreed it made a big difference. Other subjects to follow…

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The first Saturday study club of the year is under way.  I’m really pleased that 65 Year 11 students have braved the weather to attend a 2 hour session in …

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Mrs McArthur’s Year 10 have been writing as the character of Marley in ‘A Christmas Carol’. They made chains of quotations relating to Marley and what he says to Scrooge …

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Examples of amazing extended homework projects by Mr Goodall’s Y9 history class.  They had to produce a WW1 soldier’s diary and kit box with artefacts.  Out of a group of …

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Y8 students enjoying an authentic taste of Italy thanks to a great demonstration from Miss Iannucci. Lots of positive comments following the tasting of her special spinach and ricotta cannelloni, …

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Y9 students enjoying a new recipe experience under the watchful eye of Sophie from the Y11 food group . Sophie shared her expertise of making choux pastry and her enthusiasm …

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…what do you get when you cross English with maths?  Manglish!  Yr9 students use maths in English to follow the power shift between characters.


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Y8 students presenting their developed recipes at the end of their
eight week food technology module. I hope they will continue to practise their skills at home.  
Y9 displaying a range of …

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Mrs McArthur’s Year 10 students have fun with the play Blood Brothers on No Pens Day! We tried to talk for one minute about the characters and themes without …

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My year 8E philosophy group did some ‘hot seating’ today where they looked at each others work. They had to see what was being done well and what improvements could …

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