Year 7 students at the Science Roadshow. This was presented on behalf of BAe, the Royal Navy and the RAF. Students were shown some of the careers …

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7MHI turn detectives in English to solve a crime through forensic linguistic fingerprinting! They are loving it and the winning team of detectives will have lunch with the …

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Year 7 students were asked to decorate and embellish a wooden spoon based on the arts and crafts of one of the following countries: China, Scandinavia, Africa or (the …

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We had the Junkfood Roadshow in school before half term.  The presenter was excellent and there was lots of positive feedback from the staff and groups of students attending.  The …

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£560 raised today on ‘Red, white and blue day’.  Lots of activities in lessons from training a pals brigade ready for the Somme to origami boats to commemorate the battle …

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Year 10 and 11 students have had a fantastic week at Toyota, experiencing what it is like to work for them. They worked as teams all week to see who …

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Magnus, one of our new Yesr 7 students, has been reading and quizzing on books non-stop since day one and has smashed his target already having read over 3,000,000 words …

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…in the new food preparation and nutrition GCSE.  Students applying the science behind our food – skilfully making meringue nests to show proteins denaturing through mechanical agitation and …

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Great turnout tonight for our Year 7 parents’ / carers’ meeting to talk about our 2016 Year 7 Reading Challenge.  Now it’s up to the students  – read, read, …

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Y7 students busy developing their skills in the first food practical of the
year. They were successfully making low sugar rock buns which we hope made it home for parents …

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