Pupils at Paulet achieved 5 silvers and 4 bronzes in this year’s UKMT Senior Maths Challenge for Gifted Mathematicians.  Over 80,000 pupils from across the UK returned scripts for the …

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Well done to Ben in Year 7 who made this cake as part of his maths homework choice challenge.

It looked great and tasted fantastic!


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Why not have a go at March’s maths calendar!  Mrs Hanlon has given the answers for February’s revision too.

“A little bit of Maths every day”.


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Why not have a go at February’s maths calendar!  Mrs Hanlon has given the answers for January’s revision too, how well did you do?

“A little bit of Maths every day”.


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Year 7 historians have completed a modern day Domesday survey. They created a survey following numeracy best practice and used the information to make bar charts and pie charts . …

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If Mr Godber hadn’t become a teacher he’d have done civil engineering. He love bridges and so his Year 9 class looked at bridges during Greenwood Day and made a truss bridge with …

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It was great to see Y11 students attend last Saturday’s study revision sessions in preparation for their GCSE exams which start this week. Last weekend our students had the opportunity to …

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I gave some Year 11 students honour marks today for great work in their maths lessons – they’re on fire!!


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Following on from the Junior Maths Challenge, where he achieved a gold award and scored the highest mark in the school, Rupert was invited to take part in the UK …

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