Students had a great day yesterday taking part in the 10th BBC News Report Day.  They were interviewing, videoing, splicing, drafting, checking and publishing all day.  Visit the …

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Mrs McArthur leads year 11 through the first ‘walking talking mock’ of the year! Overwhelmingly the students agreed it made a big difference. Other subjects to follow…

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The first Saturday study club of the year is under way.  I’m really pleased that 65 Year 11 students have braved the weather to attend a 2 hour session in …

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Here are some photos from the girl’s badminton competition. It was a School Games County Competition and our girls beat Wilnecote school and St. Dominics School to reach the semi-finals! …

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Year 7 and 8 students visited the University of Birmingham where they had the opportunity to spend time exploring uni life, meet students and lecturers and have an amazing tour …

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