Our Values day on Wednesday saw each year group focus on a strand of our British Values.

Year 7 celebrated cultural diversity with a whole host of new and exciting experiences. …

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Following on from the Junior Maths Challenge, where he achieved a gold award and scored the highest mark in the school, Rupert was invited to take part in the UK …

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Great (and hot) sports day today.  All of our students got involved with a variety of activities including …

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Remember – sports wear with house colours on Monday (Sports Day), 50p for the Greenwood Express on Tuesday, school uniform Tuesday (Greenwood Day) and Wednesday (Values Day).  Our trip day …

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Every year we celebrate the success of all of our students through awards assemblies and this year’s were held yesterday and today.  Thank you to our …

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Great photo of our year 9 rounders team. They had a fantastic performance last night in a dramatic finish against Robert Sutton Year 10s where they just lost out 13 …

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A selection of Year 8 Art students had a fantastic opportunity to work with a professional photographer at a new St Modwen’s housing development, to capture images addressing the theme …

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Mr Allsopp, ably assisted by Miss Blandford and Miss Baldwin, has finished the house cup ready for the presentation at the end of sports day on Monday.  What a fabulous …

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Year 7 students receive their free BBC micro:bit computers from Mr Eden, Subject Leader for Computing. Micro:bits will be used as part of future Computing lessons in years 7,8 and …

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Look how great our new peer mentors look in their new uniforms! They all worked really hard looking after our new students on their year 6 induction day today.  Our …

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