Last week 14 very excited year 7s got to watch the Man Utd versus Feyenoord game in the Europa League which United won 4-0. The students had an excellent …

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We took part in the world record attempt to create the biggest and most signed Christmas card today! We managed to add 695 signatures and, whilst doing …

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Introducing ‘Feel-Good Fridays!’
The Performing Arts department is providing musical entertainment every Friday morning in the main foyer to celebrate not only the talents of our students but also to herald …

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Congratulations to the first Y7 homework heroes in Food Technology this year. Promoting the 5-a-day message, sharing their findings and the many benefits of eating fruit and vegetables, including tips …

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Year 13 Literature students spent the day at Warwick University. They enjoyed a series of lectures about the literature of love, followed by a poetry reading session by our poet …

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Year 7 students at the Science Roadshow. This was presented on behalf of BAe, the Royal Navy and the RAF. Students were shown some of the careers …

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….we all know how hard these badges are to earn so well done to Kirsten who has earned one by sending in a picture and an acrostic poem.  Well …

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…..the sound of two cornets reverberated around school today as ‘the last post’ was played to mark the start of our two minute silence.  Thanks to Emily and Tom for …

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Well done to everyone who took place. The results were:

1. Meteor House 200 points

2. Vulcan House 100 points

3. Lancaster House 50 points

4. Spitfire House 20 points

73 kilometres rowed in total …

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We’ve rowed and rowed and rowed today – over 180 students, staff and governors (the Chair of Governors in fact) have taken part in the house row-a-thon in aid of …

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We had the Junkfood Roadshow in school before half term.  The presenter was excellent and there was lots of positive feedback from the staff and groups of students attending.  The …

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As part of our National Citizenship Service (NCS) Social Action Project we are putting on a Christmas Fun Day On the 27th of November to raise money for disadvantaged children …

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….expedition preparation walk! They left in the rain but it soon brightened up.  A nine mile walk to help the students prepare for their expedition next …

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