…and they’re off! Sixty students, seven members of staff and one coach left the school yard at 10.30am this morning bound for the Passo del Tonale skiing resort on northern …

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Some of our year 8,9 and 10 girls were invited to the official opening of the Burton Albion Community Football Centre at The Pirelli Stadium …

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There was an excellent turn out for the 2017 interhouse ‘Ready, steady, cook’ – Valentine’s special after school today. A fiercely competitive session resulted in some amazing …

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Not to be outdone by our Orchestra, the ‘Paulet Players’, a quintet of brass instrument players which includes both staff and students, have been practicing hard for their first performance.


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On Friday a group of students were taken on a reward trip to Rebound trampolining. They had an amazing time and were completely worn out …

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The combined talents of our string, woodwind, brass and percussion instrumental players have now formed the Paulet High School Orchestra.
The orchestra rehearses once a week in the music room …

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Our debate team came a close second in a heated debate about grammar schools. Edward, Joe and Jess all did exceptionally well and the judges were very impressed that it …

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A lovely evening was had in the drama studio whereby, students of all ages gathered for the drama challenge. Each team were presented with a random box …

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Andrew Griffiths, the Burton and Uttoxeter MP, visited us today.  He had a tour of the school, was ‘grilled’ by a group of our students, witnessed our Year …

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The Great Minds bus from Staffordshire University came to Paulet today. Students from all years got on board to find out what university is like.  They were able to watch …

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Paulet High School took part in the Google Expeditions Pioneer Programme. This exciting programme enabled us to bring lessons to life by taking students to the Great Wall of …

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This week’s important numbers…

261 – total number of EXTRA hours spent in school by Year 11 students last week

90% – the proportion of the year group who stayed in school …

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