Year 7 interform dodgeball competition.

Well done to all involved and to the Year 11 BTEC Sport students who organised and ran the competition. Particular congratulations to 7LRB who were the …

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We awarded a group of students with their Platinum Awards today. They are awarded to students who receive in excess of 350 Paulet Points for hard work, dedication and …

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Linda and Daniela weren’t able to do this on takeover day so they did it today! They took over Mrs Weeks’ Y7 art class and taught them how to create …

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Our Y11 Basketball team got off to a winning start to their season by sweeping aside local rivals De Ferrers Academy 35 : 28!

Way to go boys!!!!

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Yesterday, on a cold and crisp afternoon, Paget High School brought their Year 7 football team to Paulet for a match! Seventy minutes later the nine men of Paulet finished …

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Year 8 Netball Team (and their top supporter Tia)
The girls have trained hard recently and have been rewarded with their first ever win! Paulet beat Abbot Beyne 9-6 last week …

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The school celebrated the European Day of Languages on Thursday 26th September. Year 7 were invited to a special lunch time event where they sampled food from around the world …

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First pictures from today’s activities day! Girls enjoying paintball and new Head of DT Mr Gilmour proudly displaying a small paint balling wound!!

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This year’s Battle of Hastings re-enactment was another triumph! The whole of Y7 involved in making swords and shields, for their homework projects, and then playing a key role in …

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We took a group of Yr9 students to the Young Teen Fiction Awards Celebration Day at Stafford County Showground yesterday.

The event is the equivalent of the Oscars for books!

Six books …

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Today our year 10 hospitality students spent the morning preparing food to take to Sycamore Court residential home for the elderly. They served the food, played bingo and had a …

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