The garden group spent their lunchtime today cooking Spanish omelettes. The eggs were from our chickens, the potatoes and lettuce from our allotment and the chive and mint garnish from …

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…somewhere in Burton; 1066 (or actually 1.50pm); two sides assemble to decide the fate of a nation. One side was victorious and one side left defeated!
Actually both sides had …

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What a lovely day for sports day!! Well done to everyone who took part and thanks to the PE staff for organising it. Our Year 10 Sports Leaders did …

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Garden update – lots of potatoes dug up and collected by the garden group today. Along with this weeks chicken eggs they will be using them to cook Spanish omelettes …

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Mrs Howard and Mrs Dolman took a group of 8 students along to JCB Lakeside Club to take part in a day of celebrating books for teens.

Students enjoyed drama presentations …

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Y10 child development controlled assessment carrying out their investigation task. Comparing homemade foods for weaning a 9 month old baby to commercially bought ones.
They will be tasting the jars and …

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The junk food road show visited Paulet today! All of our Y7 classes spent the day learning how to prepare healthy alternatives to unhealthy junk food!

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For the past 6 weeks we have been running a transition group with some year 6 students from Edge Hill. We have had 3 sessions there and 3 up …

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After weeks of applications and interviews our new prefects start after half term!! They have their own uniform to wear and their own dedicated social area to relax in when …

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