Desert Island Books started today! Teachers reading extracts from their favourite books to students. Here’s a great photo of Mr Stirland reading from his book – look out for …

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A couple of nice photographs from our visit to the Houses of Parliament last week.

We were guided round by Andrew Griffiths MP. We visited the House of Lords and House …

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Our nurture group, overseen by Mrs Bradley, has been working very hard creating a range of Christmas crafts that were on sale at lunchtime today. They made over £80 …

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Pictures of two days of Christmas lunches. Year 8 yesterday (Tuesday) and Year 7 today. Thanks to Carol and her team for two excellent lunches.

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We had another very successful European adventure this weekend to the Christmas market in Lille (France). The students, and staff, all had a great time spending money and getting …

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Another wonderful Carol service this year….the best one yet! 70+ students taking part and 100+ parents and guests in the audience! Well done to Mr. Ryder, his (staff) Elf Helpers …

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