Year 12 students visited Liverpool today as part of their HE (Higher Education) Week. A great day all round enjoyed by everyone! And it didn’t rain at all (that’s …

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Students in years 8 & 9 were learning about financial services and how to budget using the NatWest MoneySense for Schools online activities.

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Some lovely photos from yesterday’s Y7 trip to Warwick Castle. The sun was out, the students were great and there was much active learning. I’m quite keen to source …

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…and so was our climbing wall which was being well used at lunchtime and during lessons. It will also get loads of use during our summer school which starts …

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Year 8 students and staff enjoyed another fantastic trip to Paris. Students took part in a variety of activities during the five days including a night trip to …

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Mr McClelland and Mr Ashraf took four of our Year 9 students to the University of Oxford where they took part in activities like information sessions, taster academic sessions, meeting …

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Year 7 students took part in an online cook-a-long for Healthy Eating Week 2015. Hands washed and ingredients prepared, our young chefs where ready to follow the instructions, which where …

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Our year 11 students leave tomorrow and with them this year’s great group of prefects. Never fear….. Our next group are ready to take over after half term. Here …

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PIctures from Day 4. Most students have now been to the top of the mountain. Some more elegant than other at this point! The resilience shown by our students has …

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Two beginner groups conquered the mountain on tuesday – photos attached. Really sunny now for the rest of the week and here are some good photos of the students at …

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