A selection of wonderfully colourful and cultural photos from last week’s Y9 multi faith visit to Birmingham. During the day students visited a Gurdwara, Mosque and Synagogue in Birmingham. 


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Join our Fantasy Football League at www.schoolsfl.com.  It’s totally free and a lot of fun.  Can you beat ‘Ghost Ryder’s FC’, ‘Super Maths Gangsters’ or ‘Head’s 11’?

See Mr Mclelland for …

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Great pictures of our Macmillan coffee morning which raised a great sum (Mr Kelly is still counting) for this very good cause! Well done for everyone involved including the Year …

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PUPILS starting their journey into secondary school have been given personalised dictionaries as part of a head teacher’s scheme to remove children’s reliance on technology.   
Ian McArthur, head teacher at Paulet …

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Year 7 and 8 students competed against other schools in the UK Maths Challenge and the results for Paulet were fantastic!

The top 40% of students nationally receive either a gold, …

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As part of the dementia awareness project we are doing with Burton Hospital they have lent us a RemPod (pop up reminiscence room) to help our students develop a better …

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14 year 8 and 9 students took part in Peer Mentoring Training today. They are now ready to start supporting our new year 7 students.

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The sides are picked, the weapons are being prepared and final instructions are being given. Year 7 preparing for the Battle of Hastings 2015!

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We had a wonderfully moving event in school yesterday. A survivor of the holocaust, Harry Bibring, came to school to talk to Year 9 about his life up to, …

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