The latest house competition – members of each house are building and painting airfix models of the plane their house is named after. The deadline for completion is Friday, 27th …

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Our good luck tree is taking shape.  Already we have many lovely messages for our students in years 11, 12 and 13 as they embark …

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We had a wonderful visit from celebrated children’s author Bali Rai yesterday.  He spoke to three year groups and then gave three creative writing workshops.  It’s had a huge impact …

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Week three of the Maths Challenge and Harris, Rebecca, Dirusha, Luke and Leonards are the winners.  Remember to use the Maths Watch app to boost your GCSE grade (and maybe …

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Keeley, Kylah and Fiona proudly displaying their medals achieved at the recent 2016 West Midlands Junior Athletics Competition.  Kylah won the long jump, just narrowly missing the national record, and …

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…at Whitemoor Lakes activity centre.  Well it looks like fun but they got a bit soggy.  Another excellent team …

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Disneyland for fun and a good spend up and then home!! A great time had by all – thanks to Ms Gordon, Miss Wilford, Mr Belso and …

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…Snails anyone!

The students went to the local market to barter for food then came back to the chateaux to prepare lunch….and then it was the …

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It looks like our Year 8 students had a great day of fun and challenging activities in France today.  Eiffel Tower and a cruise on the River Seine this evening.


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First pictures of the Year 8 trip to France.  Looks a bit blowy on the ferry but still looking cool!  More to come – watch this space!

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