Mrs McArthur leads year 11 through the first ‘walking talking mock’ of the year! Overwhelmingly the students agreed it made a big difference. Other subjects to follow…

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The first Saturday study club of the year is under way.  I’m really pleased that 65 Year 11 students have braved the weather to attend a 2 hour session in …

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Mrs McArthur’s Year 10 have been writing as the character of Marley in ‘A Christmas Carol’. They made chains of quotations relating to Marley and what he says to Scrooge …

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…Is Dickens?  He is our new guinea pig reading buddy.  Our students are really enjoying reading to him and even the usually animal (un)friendly Mr McArthur is rather taken by …

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We celebrated Will becoming a Paulet Millionaire this week.  He has read over 1 million words on the Accelerated Reader program and is well on his way to 2 million!

Dickens …

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Mrs Allsopp and Mrs Guest took a group of students to Watertones bookshop this week to reward them for being ‘star readers’ since September! Well done to all and keep …

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Alexei visited Russia over the Christmas holiday to help prepare for his GCSE in Russian that he will take in the near future.  During his visit he was able to …

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We had a wonderful carol service at St. Peter’s Church today.  More than 65 of our studentstook part in drama, readings, the choir and  carols.  It was standing room only …

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 Here at Paulet High School we aim to inspire a love of reading in our students. Reading for pleasure has a dramatic impact on educational outcomes, but it is also …

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