Ten of our year 10 students visited St Giles Hospice yesterday to present a cheque for £465.08, which was raised at the summer Fun Run. The students were given a …

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Thank you to everyone who helped make our World’s biggest coffee morning a great success.

All contributions, including the money raised from our non-uniform day, will be donated to Macmillan Cancer …

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Well done to all students who took part in the house activities throughout the year.  The results are in, the House Winners of 2017-18 goes to…..

4th place – Spitfire

3rd place …

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Firstly, a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supported this event. It was an incredible day and Cal and Bethany from St Giles were hugely impressed with our school.

We have …

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Congratulations to Meteor for walking and/or running the most miles for our Walk to Africa event for Sports Relief.  The results were as follows;

Meteor – 654 miles

Vulcan – 576 miles

Spitfire …

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Well done Ellie in Year 7 who has recently had 11 inches cut off her hair to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.

Ellie has raised £55 so far and is …

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On Sunday, six students from our Paulet Runners running club, along with Miss Hawkins, Mrs Peach and Mr Kelly, took part in the Rudolph Run 2017 at Tamworth Castle. This 6km event …

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Yesterday was Mental Health Day and the 6th form students held a charity fund raiser!

Students raised over £70 selling homemade cakes and also painting one nail yellow to represent the …

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It was great to see so many students, parents, grandparents and the local community come along to our annual coffee and cake morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.

With the contributions …

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We marked the last day of this half term with a ‘bad hair’ non-uniform day in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital.  Will has been raising money for …

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