During a wet and windy lunchtime, students were able to vote in the national ‘make your mark’ ballot, deciding which, out of ten options, they believed the Youth Parliament should …

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We are looking forward to our upcoming Open Evening in October, with opportunities to take a tour behind the scenes of our successful school and discover ‘learning in action’.

This is a …

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Well done to everyone who took part in Sports Day, not just those who took part in the events, but also the students preparing the popular fruit platters, the school photographers, …

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Well done to all students who took part in the house activities throughout the year.  The results are in, the House Winners of 2017-18 goes to…..

4th place – Spitfire

3rd place …

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Congratulations to our Year 8 and 9 boys who have completed the Respect Burton programme this year, which was organised by Burton Youth for Christ and the Burton Albion Community …

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Firstly, a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supported this event. It was an incredible day and Cal and Bethany from St Giles were hugely impressed with our school.

We have …

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Enjoying food on Greenwood day and dreaming of holidays ☀️

Y8 finishing their Think Italian 🇮🇹module with authentic ciabatta pizzas and Y9 completing their food around the World tour in France …

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There were many worthy award winners at this weeks award assemblies. It is always difficult to choose only a few students to receive these awards as I know that so …

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Congratulations to Lancaster Staff for winning the Paulet World Cup, they beat 7NJS in a nail biting PEN-alty shoot out, with Mr Murdoch throwing the winning pen.

A big thank you …

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Students and staff took part in our NHS 70th birthday celebrations today.  The students enjoyed a non uniform “wear blue” day, had NHS themed lessons and were involved in our aerial …

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