Students started making their pyramids of hope today – beautifully crafted paper pyramids which have a hand written message to a loved one!  Let’s fill our Christmas tree with …

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A big thank you to all the netballers who have shown resilience and commitment this term. Congratulations to Fiona and Kylah in year 10, Anya in year 8 and Emily …

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House representatives gathered in our food room after school today to take part in our Christmas bake-off.  Once all of the jam tarts and mince pies had been cooked …

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One of our Year 12 students, Jak Grainger, was on cadet duty yesterday and greeted the Duke of Cambridge as he arrived for his whilste stop tour of the Midlands. …

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We took part in the world record attempt to create the biggest and most signed Christmas card today! We managed to add 695 signatures and, whilst doing …

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Introducing ‘Feel-Good Fridays!’
The Performing Arts department is providing musical entertainment every Friday morning in the main foyer to celebrate not only the talents of our students but also to herald …

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….we all know how hard these badges are to earn so well done to Kirsten who has earned one by sending in a picture and an acrostic poem.  Well …

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…..the sound of two cornets reverberated around school today as ‘the last post’ was played to mark the start of our two minute silence.  Thanks to Emily and Tom for …

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Well done to everyone who took place. The results were:

1. Meteor House 200 points

2. Vulcan House 100 points

3. Lancaster House 50 points

4. Spitfire House 20 points

73 kilometres rowed in total …

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We’ve rowed and rowed and rowed today – over 180 students, staff and governors (the Chair of Governors in fact) have taken part in the house row-a-thon in aid of …

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As part of our National Citizenship Service (NCS) Social Action Project we are putting on a Christmas Fun Day On the 27th of November to raise money for disadvantaged children …

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….expedition preparation walk! They left in the rain but it soon brightened up.  A nine mile walk to help the students prepare for their expedition next …

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£560 raised today on ‘Red, white and blue day’.  Lots of activities in lessons from training a pals brigade ready for the Somme to origami boats to commemorate the battle …

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Students visited the cardiovascular therapy unit at Burton Hospital today to ‘road test’ the arm bike we bought for them last year.  We raised over £1300 to pay for it …

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Youngsters who rushed to the aid of two different pensioners who were found injured in Burton have been praised.

Earlier this month, four pupils from Paulet High School in Violet Way, …

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