Thanks to a very generous donation from the British Heart Foundation, our Year 10 Enrichment group have been learning how to carry out CPR on a person. …

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Paulet World Book Day Mastermind 2017…

Who will win the Mastermind crystal rose bowl? Day one of the competition today – it will finish tomorrow with the winner being announced in …

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Mr Suleman led a ‘places of worship’ visit this week.  Students in years 7 and 8 visited a Mosque, Hindu Mandir and Gurdwara in Birmingham.  They all had an enjoyable …

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We marked the last day of this half term with a ‘bad hair’ non-uniform day in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital.  Will has been raising money for …

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Some of our year 8,9 and 10 girls were invited to the official opening of the Burton Albion Community Football Centre at The Pirelli Stadium …

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There was an excellent turn out for the 2017 interhouse ‘Ready, steady, cook’ – Valentine’s special after school today. A fiercely competitive session resulted in some amazing …

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As part of a week of activities, linked to the international Safer Internet Day 2017, Year 9 students learned about, and investigated, the issues surrounding ‘Sexting’ and social media.

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The combined talents of our string, woodwind, brass and percussion instrumental players have now formed the Paulet High School Orchestra.
The orchestra rehearses once a week in the music room …

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Our debate team came a close second in a heated debate about grammar schools. Edward, Joe and Jess all did exceptionally well and the judges were very impressed that it …

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Andrew Griffiths, the Burton and Uttoxeter MP, visited us today.  He had a tour of the school, was ‘grilled’ by a group of our students, witnessed our Year …

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What a day yesterday!  Many, many festive jumpers and huge piles of food donated.  Thanks to everyone who donated.  The YMCA were ‘overwhelmed’ when they picked it up …

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Wow! What an amazing Carol service we had this afternoon.  There wasn’t a pew to be had in St. Peter’s Church this afternoon for our annual Carol …

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Pupils backing the Mail’s Feed Our Families campaign have been shocked at the realization that hundreds of people across Burton and South Derbyshire are struggling to put food on the …

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Year 7 student Nathan putting the first honour mark onto our new House Honour Mark board.  Well done Nathan and let’s fill them up quickly – house points to the …

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