02 Apr 2020

Lottie (Paulet student), in remembrance of Simeon

The party animal of the group, he loved to just be around people.  He was a real people pleaser, constantly doing things to make the group wet ourselves with laughter. There was one particular lunchtime, we were at our normal table in the canteen and we had started doing impressions of each other and we were just sat there in stitches because his were so good and so accurate. Which is another great quality of his, with his closest friends, he knows them inside out and he crafts his humour and friendship around that particular person.
He was also so dedicated to anything and everything he did. His love of cadets shone through in his attention to detail. His love of music was my personal favourite strand of his personality. His entertainment side was a joy for anyone to watch. His constant nag to Mr Ryder going ‘we need a left handed guitar, you need to invest in a left-handed guitar sir!’, was a regular feature of any music lesson. Our music group will never be the same.
I’ve lost a best friend but gained an angel anyone is blessed to have by their side for the rest of their life. I love you crazy kid, sleep tight, stay safe, We’ll meet again.