02 Apr 2020

Katherine (Paulet student), in remembrance of Simeon

No one could find the words to express who Simeon was to us, how he made us smile, laugh, cry everyday whenever he was around. He was the light of everyone’s life and nicest, kindest  person you could ever meet. I’ll miss everything about him from his smile to his jokes to how much he cared about people no matter what. Nobody could ever replace Simeon nor be even as close to how amazing he was. 
I’ll miss in the morning when he’d come in with a massive tub of yoghurt, and eat it all before school started. I’ll miss how even if he was being the most annoying person ever, I couldn’t help but laugh. I’ll miss him accidentally injuring himself randomly in lessons (like squirting hand sanitizer up his nose in science). I’ll even miss the little things that he used to do that would get on my nerves (like banging on the table constantly at lunch, or shouting as loud as he could for no apparent reason).
I can only hope that wherever he is now, he knows how many people, and how much we cared about him, and that he will forever be missed. Simeon has made a permanent impression on all of our lives which I pray never goes away.
Love you forever and always, Katherine x