02 Apr 2020

Georgia (Paulet student), in remembrance of Simeon

When I think of Simeon, my mind flashes back to when  we would always dance to each other from across the room in science or when he would walk over to me and ask for a pen just so we could try to do our little handshake as fast as we could.

Walking around school with a plastic baby dangling from our necks may seem incredibly odd to most people yet randomly deciding to start a ‘baby cult’ was one of the best things we ever did 🙂

His constant mentions of uno reverse cards and terrible dad jokes just show how bubbly his personality was. As he waltzed through the atrium doors in the mornings with that bright, shining smile of his, nobody could help but smile back at him. I’ll never forget that smile, the same smile that could make you laugh and cry at the same time. 

Thankyou for always being there to cheer us up, thankyou for always being yourself no matter who you were with, thankyou for always being more fun than anyone or anything I know (including bubble wrap). I’m so incredibly grateful to have been able to call you one of my best friends. You will be missed. We love you Simeon, rest easy x